Those Funny Little People Americas Got Talent
A crapton of these.
- When Brandon Leake wins Season 15, Howie Mandel does a tiny victory dance and shares a fist bump with Leake. When Terry Crews asks Leake how it felt to win, he just ignores him and watches the fireworks, implying he's speechless.
- The Running Gag with the audience. Every time there's a big build-up to announce the winner at the end of every season, there would be cheering, clapping...and arguing and bickering over who the winner is, as the audience rises to their feet in a standing ovation, like a mob demanding something so meaningful. The audience really knows how to give a last laugh in their finales.
- While its emotional, every time Shin Lim wins, he responds by fainting before being picked up by whoever won second place.
- Fafo, a stripping, middle-aged boy scout that left everybody half Squick and half laughing their asses off.
- Sharon actually had one of these in a YouTube special, when a magician hurled a piece of "used" dental floss at known germophobe Howie (see here
to get the full effect), sending him scrambling away from the desk. Sharon was laughing so much she could barely talk for the rest of the segment.
- Gets even better with the reveal that her buzzing Dan shortly after Howie ran from the desk was a complete accident precisely because she started cracking up so badly (that and trying to turn to see Howie running away).
- Sharon's dog vs. Piers Morgan.
- A bit of a stealthy one, but in the final elimination for Season 5's semifinals, Howie directed the audience to the three acts already making it in and noted they looked like the normal American family. Cue Prince Poppycock putting his arm around Michael Grimm.
- Tons in season 6, mostly due to Howie and Piers constantly annoying each other.
- Howie's pranks during the auditions - putting the vending machine in front of Piers's dressing room door, or filling his dressing room with Those Funny Little People.
- Those Funny Little People and Piers. He hates them, and they love him for it, further annoying him.
- During the finals the judges each got to bring back four elliminated acts to perform again. Howie chose them as one of his, and found more amusement in Piers facepalming while the act was going on than the act itself.
- During the Top 48, week two, Howie pulling a small water gun out of seemingly nowhere to spray Piers with.
- Then week four, he brings an airhorn.
- Then there's the whoopee cushion Howie puts on Piers' seat (which fails), Howie cutting Piers off in the middle of a critique using his buzzer...Really, this season might as well be renamed "Howie Trolls Piers".
- A triple Crowning Moment of Funny, Awesome and Heartwarming, Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. and Anna Graceman are called on stage to see who goes on to the Top Ten. Anna gets the win, she and Landau hug and in his exit interview with Nick says he's just grateful to have come as far as he has...then Nick reveals that Landau got through too. Cue Landau picking up Anna in his arms and spinning around hugging her.
- Doubling as a Moment of Awesome for anti-fans of Piers, J. Chris Newberg of Season 6 roasted Piers, who buzzed him in all previous performances and declared he wasn't funny. The roast itself was good and was as hard-hitting as Piers himself tends to be, and Piers agreed that it was very funny, but the topper was Sharon's reaction at the end.
"You've got balls of steel!"
- In season 6, out comes a guy in a wild balloon-covered outfit with some female assistants as the orchestra plays powerful music. When asked who he is, his thick accent makes everyone realize it's none other than Leonid the Magnificent with a new act. Piers' reaction is glorious as he lets out a "Oh my God..." groan and buries his face in his hands.
Piers: Like a yo-yo, you keep coming back the harder I throw you out...
- Piers' reactions to Leonid's quick-change act
, particularly when he's behind a huge "I Heart Piers" blanket, causing a massive Face Palm.
- The topper is when Howie and Sharon vote for Leonid to continue and Piers is ranting "what is wrong with you two?!"
- Piers' reactions to Leonid's quick-change act
- Whatever the hell this thing
from Season 6 was.
- Howie pulling the fake snake out of his pants, scaring the life out of Mel B and Heidi.
- The glory and majesty that is Blue Velvet
- From Prince Poppycock's audition:
Piers: Look, when someone comes in dressed like that, calling themselves 'Prince Poppycock', you generally expect it to take a certain route.
PP: [downward-sliding whistle with accompanying point toward the floor]
Piers: Yes — and instead it took a rather different route.
PP: [inquiring upward-sliding whistle with accompanying point at the ceiling]
Piers: [laughing nod]
[cue audience hysteria]
- In Season 9, the show's teasers before the commercial built up a bad mime
that would confront the judges at the desk prompting Howie to call security. Come the act, he wasn't very good, got four Xs, and was booed. He then began to yell at the audience and insult the judges before angrily coming down to the desk to confront them. At which point they realized the mime was actually Nick playing a joke on them. The judges couldn't stop laughing.
- Also from Season 9, Aaron J. Field comes on stage wearing a giant baby costume with a hat and a large pacifier hanging around his neck, after the show kept showing teasing clips of him in costume beforehand. Turns out he's a singer, and a legitimate one; the costume was just to get attention and make himself memorable to the judges.
- Two guys start performing "I Gotta Feeling" and aren't good resulting in the audience booing and despite the judges hitting their buzzers, they got no X's. Maintenance had to stop the act, turns out the reason the buzzers weren't working was because Mel B had unplugged them to charge her phone.
- During the Judge Cuts in Season 10, as Nick Cannon was about introduce an act, he presented guest judge Neil Patrick Harris the opportunity to use the Golden Buzzer. Neil's response? Immediately press the buzzer, prompting Nick to exclaim
- Taylor Williamson's continuous banter with Heidi, stemming from her remark that his jokes weren't "family material".
- David & Leeman's pressure phrenology
act with Howie as their assistant; they successfully take away his ability to read three simple cards, and Howie gets increasingly exasperated at why the other judges are insisting that real words are printed on the cards.
- Paul Zerdin's performances are consistently VERY funny, but his most hilarious by far was the semifinals when he turned Howie Mandel into his own ventriloquist dummy! Via the use of a remotely-controlled mask, he even left the stage to take Howie's spot at the judging panel and critique his... "dancing".
- Two words: Sexy Baby.
- Tape Face. Just Tape Face. Nothing more is needed to be said.
- As Heidi and Howie put it, he put Mel B in a toilet.
- Here is an interview from Parade
- 84-year-old Ray Jessel's song.
She's got that style, she's got that smile,
She's got the walk, she's got the talk,
She's got that zing, there's just one thing
- Sadly, Ray is no longer with us.
Youtube commenter: R-I-P-E-N-I-S.
- Ladies and gentlemen...hail to The Singing Trump.
Mel doesn't like him, but Heidi, surprising herself, does.
- When the judges walk out for the first time in Season 12, a guy actually passes out when Mel B stands next to him. (Luckily, his friend catches him on the way down.)
- A magician got Simon's disapproval in the first round, so in the second round, he pulls a card trick that involves breaking Simon's buzzer with a hammer to reveal a card inside! Even funnier, Simon thought the man was gonna hit him on the head with the hammer and had always imagined it would one day come to this and this is how he would go out for all the harsh criticism he gives people as a talent judge.
- Colin Cloud's Judge Cuts performance had him lick Mel B's hand to guess what she ate that day. When he asks Howie to hold out his hands, the germaphobe howls "NO!!" and runs for cover.
- Men with Pans
. Two men wearing nothing but Chef's hats and using pans to cover their things. Both the performance and the judges reaction are hilarious, from Heidi getting a little interested in the beginning and poor Tyra was standing on the side and probably saw more than she bargained for.
- Demian Aditya's botched Season 12 Quarterfinals act provided a rather amusing moment: the act involved Demian being locked inside a box placed on a shaft suspended by a burning rope directly above some spikes. All of Demian's acts thus far had made it look like something had gone wrong and he was killed only for him to emerge dramatically. This one looked to follow the same pattern... except the box ended up getting stuck halfway down the shaft. The judges then all openly wonder if something ACTUALLY went wrong this time and start bickering with each other... only for Demian to silently walk behind them and startle them with a fire extinguisher.
- Simon compares the act to Mel B's wedding night... and is immediately drenched with her beverage. Keep in mind that Mel B was coming fresh out of a divorce in Season 12.
- Virtually anyone who is built up to be a possible contender, only for them to blow their audition. A perfect example is Anthony Panoso, a lawyer in his late 50's with ambitions of being a singer, and he even introduces the judges to his wife. He then starts singing... and receives a red X from all four of them after only one line of his original song.
- Not from the main event, but Sara Carson, the dog trainer from Season 12, decided to try and train the judges's dogs...and Howie—who was deemed "a bad dog" and was promptly sent to the corner.
- The season 12 finale. More specifically, Preacher Lawson being put against eventual winner, and the act he'd personally said would win multiple times, Darci Lynne. His awkward smile as he realizes it's over is a side-splitter.
- This is brought back in the Champions season when, during his little behind the scenes spiel, he shouts, "I'm coming for you, Darci!" and the interviewer mentions that Darci has returned as a Wild Card. Cue him reacting appropriately just taking it all in, laughing and then screaming "WHY?!"
- More Preacher Lawson hilarity: him trying to partner up
with one of the Champions and failing every single time.
- Even better? When he goes to meet Darci, Petunia is the one who screams in surprise!
- Season 13's Glennis Grace going up against comedian Samuel Comroe for a semifinals spot. Both were put through, but Glennis somehow misheard and began walking off stage. When Tyra informed her that yes, they both move on, she proceeded to drop a "What the fuck?!" on live TV.
- At one point during the big build-up in the final episode of "America's Got Talent - The Champions" season 1, one of the judges, Alesha Dixion gave a collective "Oh my god!" when she thought the pause went on for eternity, while Heidi Klum kept repeadetly asking, "Who is it?" like a six-year old yearning to open a birthday present and the camera cuts to a close-up of her smiling. Perfect comedic timing, ladies
- Kodi Lee's catchphrase. Doubles as heartwarming in the Season 14 finale when he wins.
Terry Crews: Kodi! How does it feel?
Kodi Lee: I'm unbelievable!!!
- AGT: Extreme manages to feature plenty of hilarious moments that bring much needed levity to the otherwise death-defying acts.
- The Contraption King adds a lot of fun to their acts by using various unorthodox "rides" down the ramp, starting with a jet-ski, a tricycle, a kick scooter, a recliner chair and a toy cow. Dusty's commentary on each of their acts are wholesomely amusing as well.
- America's Little Sisters seem to be a troll act where a group of four women perform "Jell-o wrestling". They are quickly buzzed out and during the judges' comments, Nikki Bella decides to teach them "real" wrestling by suplexing the group's leader. She then does the same to Travis, who had came onto the stage to give a count down, and he decides to take revenge by throwing Jell-o at her while she's going back to her seat. Terry decides to join the fun by jumping into the Jell-o pool, and he and Nikki mess with Simon by hugging him and leaving Jell-o all over his clothes.
- Midway through the first episode of Season 17, one of the stagehands asks another what the next acts are coming up. The sheer absurdity of what the acts are is hilarious!
Stagehand: Well, we have a guy who plays the violin with their feet, someone that's dressed as a cow who plays the drums, and then some people who do yoga with goats and alpacas.
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